
Refurbishment of Maroggia hydropower plant2022-10-14T16:31:11+02:00
Sbarramento mobile con paratoie tipo Obermeyer
Installation of Obermeyer pneumatically actuated gates2022-09-22T11:39:32+02:00
impianto idroelettrico di vinci - frosio next
Vinci hydropower plant2022-09-21T11:54:31+02:00
realizzazione scogliera alveo fiume mella frosio next
Revetment wall in the riverbed of the Mella river2022-09-21T11:05:43+02:00
Sbarramento mobile con paratoie a ventola oleodinamiche
Weir with hydraulic actuated flap gates2022-09-22T11:38:07+02:00
Installation of a retractable gate prototype on existing wair2022-09-22T11:42:26+02:00
First installations of Coanda type weir in Italy2022-09-22T11:44:33+02:00