Bassana hydropower plant
The project
FROSIO NEXT followed all the design phases and the construction phase of a new hydropower plant named Bassana. The plant exploits the head across an existing weir for irrigation purposes, located in Offlaga Municipality (BS).
The hydropower plant is a run-of-river plant, suitable for exploiting the head across the existing weir. Inside the powerhouse, there is a single production unit equipped with a horizontal axis Kaplan turbine.
The construction of the fish ladders has allowed the restoration of the river continuity interrupted due to the construction of the weir for irrigation purposes.
Additionally, since a small amount of water flows over the existing weir, the environmental impact of the riverbed is barely altered.
In particular, the following activities have been performed:
- review of the design for hydropower concession
- detailed design
- assisitance during authorization procedures and during tender procedure
- technical specifications for civil and hydraulic works and for electromechanical equipment
- construction design
- health and safety coordination during design and during construction phase
- works supervision
- commissioning and functional tests

Offlaga (BS), Italia
Iniziative Bresciane S.p.A.
Review of the design for the hydropower concession, design for authorization, technical specifications (civil and hydraulic works, electromechanical equipment), works supervision
Bassana hydropower plant
175,88 MW
2,3 m
15 m3/s

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