Frosio Next: a step towards 2022!
by Luigi Papetti
December 2021

Those of you who have followed us during 2021, have certainly noticed the many changes that have characterized Frosio Next during this year.
We started 2021 with the rebranding which led us to get a new company’s name (including a new logo) and you are welcome to use your imagination in order to find out the meaning which is hidden behind it.
After the rebranding at the beginning of this year, in August we moved to a new office, leaving the place where Frosio Next (originally, Studio Frosio) was born. Here, next to the CEO’s desk, a Ficus Benjamina makes the atmosphere bucolic. Following the friendly spirit that intentionally characterized this Christmas’ message, I told you about the new name, abstract concept, and the new office, “steel and concrete” structure, and I would like to close this message talking about people.
A special mention goes to the team of Frosio Next.
Our team has further grown up and besides the technical and management young structure, but competent and efficient as well, the team has enriched with new experts with a huge expertise paving the way for new and exciting challenges.
Now, we are ready to face more complex projects with respect to those which led us to be considered as a leading company in the Italian hydropower sector.
And my intention is not to stop here. Taking into account the uncertainties of the current period, Frosio Next aims at playing an important role in the energy transition, working side by side with our clients. In this regard, two years ago we started a growth path which we intend to continue in 2022, based on a necessarily ambitious business plan, at the same time characterized by concreteness, typical of the people living in Brescia.
But for a Christmas newsletter I would say that we have already gone beyond the tolerable text’s length and beyond the 150 characters of 21st century communication.
Therefore, I wish all of you merry Christmas and a happy 2022!

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